Why use liquids?

Where nutrition is concerned, absorption is key, and that’s why we are committed to liquids. The Physician's Desk Reference states that 85-90% of nutrients in liquid supplements are absorbed in 22 to 30 seconds.1 Compare this to hours it takes for the nutrients in pills to be absorbed by the body. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that only 10%-20% of the nutrients in pills actually are absorbed. The National Advisory Board states that 100 mg consumed in tablet form translates into a concentration of only 8.3 mg (8.3%) in the blood.2 This results in far less absorption, and a lot of extra unabsorbed material in the gut. Additionally, a separate pilot study evaluating the bioavailability and absorption rates of two vitamin B-12 preparations in normal human subjects, demonstrated that absorption rate was significantly increased when dosing was in a liquid rather than solid form.3 This is likely due to the plethora of synthetic chemical excipients, flow agents, binders, fillers, coatings, etc. found in many forms of supplements.
What makes a “Superior” liquid supplement?
The first thing that sets our liquids apart from others is the particle size. We use a proprietary mixing process to break the nutrients down to an Ultra-colloidal “pre-digested” liquid form, in which extremely small particles are held in a gentle suspension. Small particle sizes mean that nutrients have an easier time absorbing through the gut wall, because the body doesn’t have to work hard to break them up first. A lot of the work that the digestive system usually has to do is already out of the way, so our liquids can just soak right in to the digestive and intestinal “sponge” very easily, without causing extra work for an already-irritated system, or leaving unused material for the body to get rid of.
Making liquid supplements brings particular challenges. Because people need to taste them and be willing to take them every day, they must be made palatable, using sweeteners and flavorings. Because they contain water, the nutrients must be suspended and the liquids must be made stable on the shelf. And this must be accomplished without adding unnecessary chemicals and toxins.
To make liquids well-tolerated by sensitive people, our goal is to use the minimum number of very carefully selected ingredients. We have done years of exhaustive research in this area, with the very precise goal of making liquids that are as simple, well-absorbed and well-tolerated as possible. We use only single flavorings (no “fruit punch” multiple flavors which can increase allergic reactions), kosher vegetable glycerine, gluten free xanthan gum, and safe potassium sorbate preservative. And because we’re just careful that way, we’ve always put our liquids in non-leaching BPA-free bottles.
Footnotes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Physician's Desk Reference (page 1542, #49)
2 PH Bennett, S Haffner, BL Kasiske, WF Keane, CE, National Advisory Board, - Am J Kidney Dis, 1995
3 Preliminary Study Study #HPI-NF-B12-1 October 15, 2004 Sponsor: Health Plus International, Inc. H erbert V. Vitamin B-12 in Present Knowledge in Nutrition. 17th ed. Washington, D.C.: International Life Sciences Institute Press, 1996.