Great News !!
BrainChild Nutritionals is proud to announce that we will be partnering with the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians (PedANP), an official affiliate to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP).
The purpose of PedANP as an organization is to disseminate knowledge and increase exposure of pediatric medicine to the Naturopathic and conventional medical community. The PedANP also work to increase opportunities for more pediatric residencies, pediatric research, and bridge the gap between conventional and naturopathic pediatric medicine.
The Board of Directors consists of prominent physicians and leaders in the area of pediatric medicine within the profession. Please see full list to the right.

This organization is open to all licensed naturopathic physicians and students attending a CNME-approved naturopathic school.
PedANP has experts speakers in the field of pediatric Naturopathic medicine. BrainChild Nutritionals believes that PedANP educational activities will benefit both those interested in specializing in naturopathic pediatrics, as well as family practitioners who want extra education for their pediatric patients.