BrainChild Nutritionals is proud to announce its sponsorhsip of TACA, a national organization that provides real help for children with autism and their families. They are there to educate, empower, and support families affected by autism and strive towards speeding up the cycle time from autism diagnosis to effective treatments.
TACA offers parents many educational opportunities through webinars and conferences which focus on autism related topics such as advocacy and medical issues and feature special guest speakers from around the United States. Their website provides in-depth comprehensive information regarding the autism journey and upcoming local community events along with a free e-newsletter you can easily suscribe to with the latest autism news and listing of events.
Some of the other resources also available include parent support through email and Live Chat and a Parent Mentor Program where families affected by autism can be matched with a personal TACA Parent Mentor who will offer one-on-one support, along with general suggestions and information about autism related subjects such as medical insurance, behavorial issues, navigating school district issues, biomedical treatments, common dietary intervention and a variety of additional topics.
Scholarship programs are also offered periodically for families trying to stretch out a budget to include all the treatments necessary for your child.
To learn more about the resources, programs and services offered by TACA check out their website at www.tacanow.org